
>> Thursday, March 3, 2011

Feb. 25-28th

We had such a great trip to Oregon! Beach, baptism, family, Ikea, Trader Joe's and lots of playing! Thank you so much Dill's!

Easton and Everett
The Cousins!

Such a great picture of these 2!
Nick and Easton! Great Outfits!
The Academy Awards!
The Girls had their own Red Carpet!

Katie and Jesse are Easton's Godparents but they couldn't make the baptism because Katie was 9 months pregnant! Easton was done (as you can see)!

Nick and Grammy

Glenn (Glenn was in charge of my camera)

Jenn (she is having twins! So excited!) and Easton

Opa and Amalia
Fun in the Tub
Great Auntie Kathe and Great Uncle Kevin with the boys

Ter-Ter with the girls
Cannon Beach! (Goonie Rock)

Ella didn't care how cold it was, she would have played out there all day!
Nora, Amalia and Ella
Easton's 1st time to the Pacific Ocean
Everett's 1st time

Supposed to be there 1st sleepover, didn't happen
Beautiful Nora
Beautiful Amalia

Easton and Everett (6 weeks apart)
Katie and Easton
1st stop Ikea
Easton's 1st time on an airplane

Ella read the safety mannual the entire way

1st time with bubble gum!