
>> Thursday, May 20, 2010

The University of Montana wrote mom on the mountain! We just love Missoula! Daddy and Ella - our last night until home!

From Colorado to Wyoming to Montana to Wyoming to Montana to Idaho to Wyoming and then home to Colorado!
Our Great traveler

Daddy got Ella her own Atlas so she can help us with the directions!
"The red lines are hot!" Ella told her Mommy and Daddy
We stayed in West Yellowstone in a little cabin! What a blast!

Tons of babies!

Bald Eagle

Paint Pots

Just walking down the street.
So sweet!

These are our pride and joy! Grizzly bears! A mama and her TWO cubs!

Big Horn Sheep

The finished product! Looks so good!
Happy Mother's Day!

Ella and Tyler
All the Mom's and Godmother's!

Auntie Angie and Ella
For anyone who wonders what an Uncle guy hug is, here it is.
Mommy and her Godparents!
Ella and Great Auntie Robin
Great Grandpa and Grandma Eggers, Great Auntie PP and Grammy
Papa and Great Uncle Guy! Can you tell they are brothers?!
The two Great Grandma's
What a great Uncle Ter Ter

Ella and cousin Nettie
The kiddos were so great!

First on the list paint Great Grandma and Great Grandpa's house!

We're on are way to Montana